Fashion And Photography From A Different Perspective
Photos in this blog are provided by Sandra Covarrubias
For many years Fashion, and the photography of it, has always been an inspiration throughout the world. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are or wether you're a man or a woman, it unites you. The way I see fashion is far from being a superficial world as many others believe it is. It is more of a statement, a way to reflect your personality and welcome people into your soul. Every outfit put together describes what the person wearing it is feeling at the moment and the accessories help accent it. Many people say "you dress how you feel" and I strongly believe this is true. Society likes to put trends but at the end of the day it's YOU who decides how to dress it and match it. That's what make Fashion unique and fun!
I never imagined myself as a Fashion or Photography Blogger. I love clothes, shoes, purses and accessorising, and putting outfits together has been my favourite hobby since I was just a little girl! But come on, standing in front of a camera? That was a bit intimidating! I have always been shy, and I never thought I'd had what it takes to get out of my comfort zone and expose myself. To this day, I am still camera shy and as I always say, I do not know how to pose! LOL! But that's the beauty behind being a Fashion Blogger, that you do not need to pose or even know how to. At the end of the day, you're expressing and posing the outfit you're wearing. They're doing the hard work for you!
I focus on "Outfits of The Day" and bringing inspirations to those who follow me by giving them ideas of how they can put outfits together with what's currently "in" right now. Most of all, I would like to inspire them to not follow any trend just because that's what everyone is wearing now. The only trend worth following is the trend of being comfortable with your own skin. If you love it and it makes you happy wearing it, go for it! Fashion is to express yourself not to please society by following how they decide to carry Fashion. In my blog, I express the way I, Sandra Covarrubias, feel and like. In a way, I'm bringing you a bit into my personal life without my readers even knowing it. Every single one of my outfits have a part of me in them.
What started as a hobby has slowly grew into a part of me. I've been blogging for a few months now and the experience has been amazing. Not only do I get to do and work with what I love (Fashion) but I also get to share it with others who share the same passion as I do. The girl who would fear being in front of camera, now gets excited to get on the other side of the lens every time she puts a new outfit together. I do what I love and makes me happy, and I hope that everyone reading this does it as well.