Chasing Independence
Photos in this blog are provided by Janelle Fabbro
Four years ago my heart was broken. I thought I had lost more than I would gain. But, what I ended up gaining was something I wouldn’t trade for the world. I found my independence.
I was always so terrified to be alone. A philosophy I have always stuck to is ‘if it scares you, then try it!’ I of course pushed myself to follow this philosophy and learned how to be content on my own. I had decided that I wanted to live for what makes my heart happy.
I started out with small ventures like driving around my city and trained myself to open my eyes to all of the beautiful little wonders that, before, I would have just looked past. Once I learned to observe and appreciate all of the wonderful things around me, I was no longer afraid to be alone. With my camera and my travel photography, the world is my companion.
Just recognize the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. Feel the tickling grass on your back as you’re watching the sun seek away and the sky begin to dance with a kaleidoscope of colors. We’ve all never truly been alone. We’ve always had life and experience knocking at our door, just waiting to be let in. In the past two years I have been apart of so many unique and blissful opportunities all because I pushed myself. In order to grow your soul, you must seek adventure in everything that you do.
It is so easy to get caught up in the humdrum of everyday life. That’s why any chance I get; I make sure that I always take the back road. I seldom look at taking a wrong turn as a bad thing. Instead, I see it as an excuse to explore something new. It has always hurt me inside to hear friends tell me that they don’t have the money to go and have an adventure.
When in reality, it’s something deeper, a roadblock in their minds that’s keeping them from what their spirit needs. With my financial situation, I am unable to travel to many places. In fact, I have never been out of the country. I chose to not let my finances dictate my heart from chasing its dreams. Before I see the world, I want to see what is in my own backyard first!
I have been asked constantly about where I find so many breathtaking locations. I respond the same every time. I explain that my eyes and heart are consistently open and because of that I am able to see the humble beauty in many things that most would look past. It all starts with a string that pulls on your heart to crave more than just going through the motions of life. Encourage yourself to try things that wouldn’t normally do on a regular basis. Take a stroll around the neighborhood after dinner or wake up early to start your day with a sunrise. The charm of life is all around us and available at all times.
All you have to do is behold the simple treasures life has to offer.
Happy Trails,