Dali Studio


Blog by Dali Ma Photography, Fashion Photographer based in Los Angeles, California.

How To Take Great Fashion Photography Pictures That Sell

Ever wonder how some people always look so great in photos? I mean, yes, some people are just naturals behind the lens, but then some…are just pros. 

You don’t have to be a model, have long legs, or have a perfect body to get the perfect picture– all you need is a few tips and a little confidence. 


In previous posts, I talked about how you can be confident by knowing your body type in order to feel the most confortable in your style. That really comes into play here too. But aside from feeling confident in your own skin, a perfect picture really depends on other factors too. 


  • Match your outfit to your surroundings

This is a very important place to start. You want to make sure there is uniformity within your style of pictures. Its doesn’t mean you have to be boring or limited –just make sure to balance your outfit, colors, and vibe with your surroundings. It will make you look more put together, and complete the perfect picture. 



  • Take a picture in front of a unique background

This can totally be fun! Get in you car, go somewhere you haven’t been, and find some pretty and unique places. It doesn’t have to be glamorous –in fact, it can be a shabby old door, bright colored wall, or a run down ally that makes your picture a stand out. 


  • Don’t let the background overwhelm what you’re trying to show

Now that you have an idea of picking out a suitable background for your pictures, make sure you don’t over do it. What that means, is making sure your background isn’t so eye catching that is takes away from what you are trying to show off. Remember all eyes on you! You want your viewers to see you before they see anything else. 


  • Don’t forget about your posture

You heard your mom say it, and you’ll hear me say it too! Posture is key. There are times when a slouched or hunched back is necessary for a particular look, but in general, you need not forget about your back. Often times slouching or bad posture in pictures will actually emphasize unflattering angles. So keep your head up and back straight! 


  • Cross your legs

Not necessary when you’re siting down, but when you’re walking towards the camera or away from it; show off those legs by crossing them when you walk or stand. It can give your picture a little attitude and poise. 


  • Use props

This can be fun and really… anything. Balloons have been very popular lately, but it doesn’t have to be limited to that. 


  • Have a unique piece/clothing item that makes the picture pop

You want something to catch the viewers’ attention from the moment they look at your photo. Is it that jacket, pop of color, or unique arm jewelry? You want to make sure it’s balanced and done right so it can really make it “pop”!


  • You don’t always have to look at the camera

Yes, this may be a little staged, but so what? You’re not always going to be able to be caught off guard, so sometimes you’ll just have to fake it! And that’s totally, OK. Look down, all around, and break out that inner model in you!


  • Always do something with your hands

Hands can get very awkward. Sometimes they can ruin a “perfect” picture. So, make sure you either have something in your hands, place them on a part of your body, or make sure they are relaxed. 


  • A picture has a thousand words

I know this is sooo cliché but it’s true. What are you trying to tell your viewers in your picture? Are you trying to share a certain message, emotion or your character? There is so much that can be said about each photo. You really need to let it speak for itself. 


So take your photos to the next level by following some of these tips, and let us know what works best for you!

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